Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What web apps do you use? Barack Obama uses blist

Image representing Gmail as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

Actually the question that was asked is What cloud computing and web2.0 apps/software for business do you use? It seems as businesses shrink and most unnecessary tasks are outsourced to software and services, Consumer targeted web apps will get more popular in the workplace.

Folks are already using im, skype,facebook and twitter at work. Everybody i know uses gmail and yahoo mail daily. For smaller businesses its also really exciting to imagine a world without IT staff…

Below is a list of commonly talked about webs apps that folks are using. What web apps do you use at home and at work?  Barack Obama uses blist…. Leave your comments below

Popular Web apps for Business


On January 5th I quickly wrote a short post about how then President-Elect Barack Obama uses blist. That post was published just a few minutes after the CHANGE.GOV site first went live with a blist widget. In that post I described why publishing data in a blist widget greatly improves upon a basic HTML table. A few days ago I wrote a post, first published on TechCrunch then later on The Washington Post, about how the Obama Administration uses “web 2.0″ software from innovative companies including Google, Facebook,, twitter and blist to promote The White House’s top three priorities - communication, transparency and participation. The politically astute team at ReadWriteWeb has also been a leader in reporting this transformation taking place in politics, fueled by the Obama team’s adoption of web technology - read: President Elect Obama’s FireWire Chats: Transparency Redefined? and Obama’s Social Media Advantage.

While the previous post was meant to provide a quick sketch of the creative ways that President Obama’s team is using technology to meet all three priorities, I want to go back and dive more deeply into the topic of transparency, an area where blist can continue to add more value to government and the Obama administration.

from blist blog


The tweet that inspired this post.


Brewton @dexin @iggykin @klakhani @amcafee @scobleizer advice on cloud computing and web2.0 apps/software for business use? 29 minutes ago

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  1. i should add Google Apps to this list

  2. We use Intervals, a web-based project management tool for small business.

  3. I use still in beta but very promising!

  4. We use for our collaboration and team reporting needs.


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